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发表时间:2023-03-30 15:11:28  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
      一、护肤类      1、保湿霜:Moisturizing cream      2、化妆水:astringent      3、美白霜:whitening cream      4、去角质霜:exfoliating cream  .


      1、保湿霜:Moisturizing cream


      3、美白霜:whitening cream

      4、去角质霜:exfoliating cream

      5、洗面奶:facial cleanser/face wash(foaming,milky,cream,gel) 

      6、护肤: skin care  

      7、爽肤水: toner/astringent


      9、面膜: facial mask/masque 

      10、眼膜: eye mask 


      1、彩妆: cosmetics 

      2、遮瑕膏: concealer


      4、 修容饼:shading powder

      5、隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block

      6、散粉:loose powder  

      7、闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 

      8、眉粉: brow powder 

      9、眉笔:brow pencil

      10、唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)


      1、去黑头: blackhead removal/(deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining  

      2、收缩毛孔: pore contraction


      4、去死皮: exfoliating scrub







      1. 护肤品 : skin care product

      2. 洁面乳:facial cleanser

      3. 洁面啫喱 : cleansing gel

      4. 眼霜:eye cream

      5. 爽肤水:toner

      6. 紧肤水:firming lotion

      7. 柔肤水:smoothing toner

      8. 面膜:facial mask

      9. 润肤露/身体乳:body lotion

      10. 磨砂膏:scrubbing cream/facial scrub

      11. 护手霜:hand lotion

      12. 乳液:milky lotion

      13. 香水:perfume

      14. 喷雾式香水:atomizer

      15. 日霜:day cream

      16. 晚霜:night cream

      17. 眼膜:eye mask

      18. 精油:essence oil

      19. 精华霜:serum

      20. 面霜:facial cream/cream

      21. 抗衰产品:anti-age product

      22. 祛皱产品:anti-wrinkle product

      23. 纯露:floral water

      24. 玻尿酸原液:HA(Hyaluronic Acid)

      25. 珍珠膏:pearl cream

      26. 修复晶露:repairing serum


      Women in her thirties or forties should pay attention to facial care. Therefore, they could considering buying anti-age and anti-wrinkle products.


      This perfume gives out fresh fragrance.If you are not very satisfied to it, you can considering using our atomizers.


      Different sorts of our facial masks suit different kinds of consumers.


      Could you please tell me the differences between your facial cleansers and cleaning gels?


      Here I'd like to recommend our body lotion because it has great effect on moisturizing your skin.



      1. 保湿水:moisturizer

      2. 防晒霜:sun cream

      3. 隔离霜:foundation primer

      4. 润唇膏:lip balm

      5. 唇彩:lip gloss

      6. 口红:lipstick

      7. 唇釉:lip glaze

      8. 遮瑕液:concealer

      9. 粉底液:foundation

      10. 散粉:loose powder

      11. 定妆:setting powder

      12. 定妆喷雾:setting spray

      13. 眉笔:eyebrow pencil

      14. 眼线膏:eye-liner

      15. 腮红:blusher

      16. 闪粉:shimmering powder

      17. 卸妆水:make-up remover

      18. 卸妆乳:make-up removing lotion

      19. 指甲油:nail polish

      20. 卸甲油:nail polish remover

      21. BB霜:blemish balm

      22. CC霜:color control cream

      23. 眼影:eye shadow

      24. 睫毛膏:mascara

      25. 修容饼:shading powder

      26. 粉饼:pressed powder

      27. 无添加产品:non-additive product

      28. 假睫毛:false eyelash

      29. 打底霜:make-up base

      30. 双眼皮贴:double eyelid tape

      31. 发胶:hair gel

      32. 妆前乳:primer


      How many shades of foundation does Lancome have?


      Using setting spray is an effective way of preventing foundation from creasing.


      How did you stop your make-up from separating?


      After lunch, Daisy usually touches up her foundation every day.


      My skin is extremely sensitive and I'm frequently allergic to most of the make-ups. Thus, I have to use non-additive products.



      1. 剃须刀 : shaver

      2. 粉扑:powder puff

      3.眉刷:brow brush

      4. 化妆棉:cotton pads

      5. 手镜:hand mirror

      6. 睫毛夹:lash curler

      7. 化妆盒:cosmetics case

      8. 卷发器:roller


      Every young female has her own cosmetics case.


      I lack a hand mirror, so how can I make up myself outside?


      The seller was really a conscientious merchant. You see,she gave me a cotton pad after I bought her products.


      Can I borrow your roller and lash curler?


      As a gentleman, how should I remove my beard without a shaver?



      1. 洗发露 : shampoo

      2. 护发素:hair conditioner

      3. 焗油膏:conditioning hairdressing

      4. 烫发水:perming formula

      5. 染发剂:hair dye

      6. 沐浴乳:body wash

      7. 香皂/肥皂:soap

      8. 沐浴啫喱:shower gel


      The liquid of the shower gel is more concentrated than the liquid of the body wash.


      The perminlg fomula and hair dye are harmful for our health.


      How long haven't you watched soap operas?


      I have been used to the hair conditioner.



      有关化妆品的英文:Pressed powder、eye shadow、mascara、lip color、concealer

      1、Pressed powder


      例句:Carry a touch-up kit with concealer, pressed powder, lipstick or gloss, lip liner and tissues.


      2、eye shadow


      复数: eye shadows

      例句:Her eyelids are blue with eye shadow. 


      3、mascara 翻英 [mæˈskɑ:rə]   美 [mæˈskærə]  



      第三人称单数: mascaras 复数: mascaras 现在分词: mascaraing 过去式: mascaraed 过去分词: mascaraed

      例句:The mascara is suitable for contact lens wearers. 


      4、lip color


      例句:Want to have a beautiful face, from the beginning has a rosy lip color. 



      释义:n.遮暇产品,遮瑕膏,遮暇化妆品,[法] 包庇者,隐藏者

      例句:It's really important that your concealer makeup completely matches your foundation to avoid panda eyes. 



      保湿霜Moisturizing cream,
      化妆水Make-up water,
      美白霜Whitening cream,
      去角质霜Exfoliating Cream
      两用粉饼Two way powder foundation
      洗面奶Milk washing
      去黑头Nose cleansing mask
      卸妆液Make up remover
